Paediatric Hepatobiliary Disease - Choledochal Cyst deals with basic concepts regarding the disease entity and describes in detail about the various aspects of it. Most of the children attending OPD with pain abdomen, treating physician think of either intestinal colic, worm colic due to round worms, mesenteric adenitis following acute pharyngotonsillitis, or appendicitis. The clinical picture of choledochal cyst is elaborated with an idea that treating physician or paediatrician must keep this entity as differential diagnosis in treating and investigating a child with pain abdomen with jaundice and/or lump abdomen. Most of the time it is- difficult to palpate the abdomen in an anxious and agitated child, hence investigations should be directed to rule out choledochal cyst. It is not a rare entity. Concept of Roux-en-Y and biliary reconstruction is illustrated in detail with simplified and elaborative manner along with intraoperative photographs for the better understanding of undergraduate medical students, postgraduate students belonging to different specialities,paediatricians, budding surgeons especially paediatric and GI surgeons. MCQs after the text have been added for she-assessment of readers, and for students undergoing entrance examinations, who may be benefitted. Also paediatric drug dosage at the end will prove to be valuable for residents working in wards. This is our 1st endeavour and we are looking forward to constructive criticism.
Specifications |
Descriptions |
9788123926964 |
Binding |
NA |
Subject |
Pediatric |
Pages |
113 |
Weight |
0.5 (In Kg) |
Readership |
NA |