It is a ready to use, concise compilation of
important topics for postgraduate students in pathology. It is a collection of
topics from the very successful SPARRC programme (Sri Ramachandra Pathology
Annual Rapid Review Course) being conducted for the eleventh consecutive year.
It includes key points in histopathology of major lesions from each system and
other fundamental topics of practical importance such as autopsy, special
stains and immunohistochemistry.
Various topics in hematology, cytology and transfusion medicine have
also been discussed. The current (sixth) edition is an updated version designed
to include the guidelines of examination as per NMC pattern which has been
elucidated at the end of the book. On popular demand three new chapters “Artificial
intelligence and Digital Pathology”, “Overview of Transplant Pathology” and
“Biopsy Interpretation with IHC Markers” have been included in this edition.
Current topics pertaining to molecular diagnosis, flow cytometry, and FISH have
been updated. Chapters “FAQs in Histotechniques” and “Current Updates in
Pathology” and “Potpourri of Gross Cases and Approach to Gross Differential
Diagnosis” from earlier edition have been further expanded. This edition has
improvised on the existing chapters and updated the current criteria. In
addition, a ready-reckoner of current updated WHO classification of tumors is
This Handbook will be a valuable quick reference for all the
postgraduate students in pathology and a friendly guide to the young faculty
who wish to refurbish their knowledge in pathology.
Specifications | Descriptions |
ISBN | 9789348385314 |
Year | 2025 |
Binding | Paperback |
Subject | Pathology |
Pages | 736 |
Weight | 1.2 (In Kg) |
Readership | Postgraduate students in pathology |
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