This is a useful resource for the students, practicing engineers, managers and other professionals for getting an insight into energy and environment management which are becoming increasingly important. Energy is essential for survival of the civilization and development of nations. Expenses on energy can be easily monitored to improve profitability.
It is difficult to find a single book on energy and environment management. One of the authors carried out energy and environmental audits for five years. His experience on energy and environmental issues of an oil refinery for ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 certifications helped him in providing over 63 true case studies. Hands-on energy audit, environmental audit, eight years in complex process industry, and a doctorate in communications and feedback skills helped him to cover the above interestingly in this book. He has written seven books and prepared courses on Udemy, world's best online training platform.
The combined knowledge of both the authors, besides their long experience in industry, energy and environmental audits, has added a great value to this book. Their experience of teaching the above subjects in a reputed university has contributed in making this book extremely useful to the reader.
Rakesh Jain PhD has 36 years of industry experience in IndianOil that includes five years hands-on energy audits in various types of industries. During energy audits he led many teams of electrical and mechanical engineers to cover both electrical and thermal work-areas in industries and large buildings, etc.He worked in two oil refineries for diverse areas like power plant operations, electrical maintenance, besides ISO 9000 and 14000 certification. He runs an energy audit firm, taught MTech (Energy and Environment) students at a very reputed university, trained engineers and workmen in industries, and taught students of engineering colleges and polytechnics. Arvind Gupta PhD is Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, JC Bose University, and has been teaching engineering students.He obtained his MTech (energy studies) and PhD from IIT, Delhi. He has over 33 years experience in academics, research, administration and industry.He has published and presented numerous research papers.