Food Nutrition and Dietetics explains the importance of nutrition for leading a healthy and disease-free life. It deals with the modern concepts of health and its relationship with good nutrition.
Food Nutrition and Dietetics explains the importance of nutrition for leading a healthy and disease-free life. It deals with the modern concepts of health and its relationship with good nutrition. All the key aspects of nutrition, meal planning, and functions of nutrients along with their quantities are well explained along with the illustrations and tables.It describes in detail importance and technical aspects of food preparation, preservation and methods of preservation. The problems of malnutrition, remedies and related programs are also explained. Therapeutic aspects of nutrition and how the diet is modified during illness or disease conditions are also covered. Each chapter in the book ends with the study questions to review what has been learnt. At the end of the text, one word questions with their answers are given to help the students preparing for competitive examinations. The book is systematic and well organized to serve as an ideal and essential text for undergraduate students of nutrition, home science, nursing, medical and allied health sciences, and related courses. Single color
Pooja Verma