In this book, key concepts of agricultural finance both at micro and macro level are highlighted and their applications to farm fianncial management problems explained with eamaples. An algebrai touch is provided to economic principles applied to farm financial managment with emphasis on economic efficiency and optimization through refression and programming modesl.
In this book, key concepts of agricultural finance both at micro and macro level are highlighted and their applications to farm fianncial management problems explained with eamaples. An algebrai touch is provided to economic principles applied to farm financial managment with emphasis on economic efficiency and optimization through refression and programming modesl. The book also provides information on the origin, objectives and role of various financial instituttoions and programmes of rural developmetn. Financial and economic aspects of agricultural developmetn schemes inlcuding their evaluation techniques are elucidated with appropriate examples. Tools of farm fianncial analysis, their formats and use are detailed with supporting data. The entire material is presented in simple language for easy understnad. It will suit the course as a text book for underfraduates and post-graduates in agricultural universities, rural universities and traditional universities. It serves as a reference book for students, teachers and research workers in applied economics cooperation, management, commerce etc.