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Textbook of Tuberculosis







CBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt. Ltd


Sunnam Satyasri, N Usha Rani,MD Badusha


1st Edition

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This is a complete, rich and valuable resource of knowledge on tuberculosis. It is the first of its kind, a thoroughly updated edition, aligning according to the latest Programmatic Management of Drug-resistant Tuberculosis (PMDT) Guidelines. Several authors from various interdisciplinary specialties, with vast experience in their domain, contributed to the multidisciplinary approach towards tuberculosis.

This book opens with a comprehensive content page which is subdivided into 6 sections. Each section is unique as it covers different aspects of tuberculosis like introduction, laboratory diagnosis, clinical features, management and prevention. Special stress has been laid on the inclusion of new topics like science of TB vaccine , laboratory diagnosis and treatment of drug resistant TB , Nanotechnology in TB and National Tuberculosis Elimination Program (NTEP) and how it evolved from Revised National Tuberculosis Program. Of note, the detailed explanation of molecular tests in the diagnosis of tuberculosis, with special attention on DNA polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing was addressed. Currently, PCR technique is the cornerstone for cartridge based nucleic acid amplification test (CBNAAT), the most widely used point of care diagnostic test in the world. In addition, the evolution of COVID-19 pandemic situation and its effect on TB in India is beautifully covered. On the other hand, chapters specifically focussing on extra pulmonary tuberculosis and its management have been clearly illustrated from a holistic viewpoint for the accurate understanding and application of the reader. Primarily this book aims to give the readers an easy understanding of a complex disease and to serve them to adequately apply the concepts while dealing with TB cases. In addition, this book also serves to enrich the knowledge of undergraduate and postgraduate students in tackling complicated practical questions. Recent advances have been highlighted with special emphasis on ongoing research. The authors of this book firmly believe that this edition is completely updated and serves the purpose of fulfilling the lacunae that exist between theoretical knowledge and practical application that eventually benefit patient care.






1st Edition







Allergy & Infectious Disease




Sunnam Satyasri MD (Internal Medicine, USA), MD (Tuberculosis and Chest Diseases) is an author and academician and has served as Professor and Head, Department of Respiratory Medicine, Rangaraya Medical College, Kakinada (1991-2005), and Alluri Sitarama Raju Academy of Medical Sciences (ASRAM), Eluru (2005-2017). After completing his MBBS from prestigious Andhra Medical College (1970) he went to USA for his residency in internal medicine at Michigan State University, Michigan (1971-1974). Later he returned to India and served as a scientific officer for Tata Cancer Hospital and Research Centre, Mumbai (1974-1977). He was awarded the first MD in chest and tuberculosis from whole of South India. He has to his credit over 50 papers published in national and international scientific journals. His passion for the tuberculosis first divulged during the 1993, when he published his first edition of Textbook of Tuberculosis which became very popular among many undergraduate and postgraduate students in India. Dr Satyasri was awarded "Man of the Year 2003" by American Educational Society and as the `best teacher` twice during his tenure at Rangaraya Medical College, Kakinada. Among his notable positions are having served as Convener for RNTCP and DOTS Committee, ASRAM, Eluru. He is member of Indian Chest Society, Tuberculosis Association of India, and life member of Indian Medical Association. He has also been a reviewer for various scientific journals. Apart from medicine, he immerses himself in philosophy and meditation. Popularly known among the fraternity of Indian pulmonary medicine as "teacher of teachers", he has contributed immensely to the field of pulmonary medicine, especially tuberculosis in India. N Usha Rani MBBS, MD (Respiratory Medicine) is currently Professor, Department of Pulmonary Medicine, Malla Reddy Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad, Talangana. She has more than 20 years of teaching experience and has to her credit many papers published in indexed journals. She has won many accolades for co-authoring various papers in NAPCON and APTCCON. Her notable position includes chairing the Scientific Committee of APSACON 2018. Popularly known amongst her students as "walking encyclopaedia", she is very passionate about teaching and training postgraduate and undergraduate students in respiratory medicine. MD Badusha MBBS, MD (Respiratory Medicine) is a clinician, avid researcher and educator and is currently Assistant Professor, Department of Pulmonary Medicine, NRI Institute of Medical Sciences, Visakhapatnam. He has many journals in his armamentarium and is passionate about research and precision medicine. He was Director of COVID ICU, Anil Neerukonda Hospital, Visakhapatnam. His innovative critical thinking and empathy about poor patients saved many lives during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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