The book has been thoroughly rectified and revised as per needs. The Introduction has been fully revised and rewritten incorporating therein the purpose of studies and the scope of the subject the distribution of elements and outline of mineral deposits giving definitions with a table
The book has been thoroughly rectified and revised as per needs. The Introduction has been fully revised and rewritten incorporating therein the purpose of studies and the scope of the subject the distribution of elements and outline of mineral deposits giving definitions with a table showing tenors of some important ores and their average grades. Two new chapters one on Essential Factors in Mineral Deposition and Ore Genesis and second on Mineral Paragenesis and Zoning Metallogenetic Epochs and Provinces and Controls of Minerals Localisation have been added. To illustrate various phenomena all Indian examples have been cited to the extent possible. For easy and quick identification of economic minerals physical characters of important minerals have been given in a tabular form and included as Appendix-I. The recent available production figures are given in Appendix-H. An attempt has been made to design it as a textbook both for elementary and more advanced courses in Economic Geology. The book covers the full courses of the subject for B.Sc. And M.Sc. Students in Geology.